Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The HammerCast Episode 1: EMPIRE

Welcome to The HammerCast Episode 1: EMPIRE

Wow. Our first show completed! It took a while to get all the pieces in place for this. We actually recorded this show at the beginning of December so it has no mention of the upcoming Beastmen release. Besides that, everything should be timely. We had a bunch of fun putting this together and hope you enjoy it as well. Being our first show, I went heavy on the intro and outro. The following episodes will have a much shortened version. You can email the show at We appreciate any feedback we can get.

Thanks for listening! ~Odominus

To download go to:


  1. Can't work out how to listen- where do I click?!

  2. Are you using Mozilla? Try IE...

  3. Very well done. The Metalica with Braveheart segment was INCREDIBLE. I am impressed and want to hear more.

  4. I liked all the samplings, it was fun to listen to. Good show!

  5. You can also use Google Chrome. Interesting podcast. I've been playing with the idea of getting into Fantasy for a while, and I keep looking at Empire and Dwarves. I'm one of those who researches and researches and waits and this podcast was helpful for which models to collect...when I finally get enough money together.

  6. I have never been in the black on my GW purchases! I liked the show. Empire was my first army. When are you guys going to do a show on the new skaven???


  7. @Jace

    Being in the Black with GW is something brand new for me, I LOVE 'Ard Boyz! As for the Skaven, neither Scott nor myself currently play skaven and they are one of the few armies that I have never collected so I feel that until we do ALOT more research (ie play games against them) it would make for a poor show.

  8. You can DL the show through Mozilla now. Just cut/paste the link and go DL it. Thanks for your patience.

    @Jace ..what Kevin said=)

    @ Jolson ..Thanks! Doing the samples was lots of fun!

    @OG ..Metallica + Braveheart = WIN!

  9. I pulled this link from Warseer. It took me 2 sessions to finish. Good show gentlemen.

  10. I loved episode 2!!! You guys Rock!!! I love the sound effects and all the amazing knowledge you guys hold. WOW.......can't wait to hear what's next!!! The announcer is cool.

  11. I listened to this podcast because I am building a empire army. I had 20 flagalants and I just bought 10 more to get them up to 30 total so I am trying the fleshline strategy. I believe I grasp how you are doing it but I am not certain what you meant when you said you were running them 15x2 because there was no large targets on the field. Could you elaborate on that a bit more? Don't large targets see over the flagalants? Why change formation? Great podcast guys!

  12. WillyK, good call on building an Empire army! As to your question:

    This is all about the volley guns. Placed behind the flaggie line, they can only "see" large targets for targetting. If there are no large targets, I switch the flaggie line to 15x2 so I can see around them to target something. The whole idea of the fleshline (30x1) is to force your opponent to either 1. get into hth with the flaggies or 2. go around them. If they get into hth, they will be stuck there a bit (and there are further strategies as far as how you remove flaggie casualties, etc). If the enemy goes around them then that is a bunch of extra movement they are having to waste which gives you more time to target them with your warmachines, crossbow, etc. That's why I bunch all my war machines on a hill behind the flaggies as it takes a looong time for the enemy to reach them (if they ever do). Hope that helps and thanks for listening!

  13. Great show gents!! Recomending this to my buds over here in Omaha! Go Empire!
