Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TheHammerCast Episode 4: ELDAR

TheHammerCast Episode 4: ELDAR

The mighty Eldar are showcased in this month's edition of TheHammerCast. Kevin and our guest commentator Brian, give us the skinny from the top to the bottom. All feedback is appreciated (TheHammerCast@comcast.net). Do you agree or disagree? Thanks for coming by!

~Team HammerCast

To download this go to the following website and download the zip file on the left side that says ZBR ZIP (see below diagram). When you open the zip folder, the show is there as an mp3.



  1. That was awesome! Keep up the good work. I am waiting for the next show!!

  2. Very entertaining I was laughing! I have been thinking of getting my Eldar off the shelf lately. And now I think I will. Thank you Thank You! I will keep listening!

  3. To the announcers well done. The music at the front and the end was awesome. Really cool! I found small bits of info here and there but the show entertained me highly.


  4. Wow - that Dung and Brian - two ugly little spuds!

    Thanks for doing this man!


  5. Hi good analysis, im an experienced eldar player myself and pretty much agree on most stuff but not everything.

    Any chance you could email brians Footslogging termi and bike list? sounds interesting

    Thanks a lot and gratz on the blog.

  6. Good thing that all experienced players don't agree on everything or the game would get pretty stale!

    As for Brians list. He's a nice guy but he's deffinately not big on sharing his list (at least not on the web). But I will ask him though.

  7. What a beautiful intro. I love your shows guys, please keep them coming! I listen to your show when Im driving to work, it beats the radio. Need more!


  8. Thanks kevin.

    doesnt have to be a detailed list, if you can just throw in about how many points it was, and what type of units and number he has should be enough.

    I would just ask what the equipment on the captain and his scorts.

    Thanks a lot again

  9. Great show- the music at the end melted my brain!! I am not having success google wolf influence?
